Sadaqah tul Fitr

Sadaqah tul Fitr also known as Zakah tul Fitr is a charitable donation of food or its equivalent monetary value which must be given by every able Muslim before the end of Ramadan.

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Al Miftahfitrana

Linguistically, Zakah means ‘purification’ and ‘growth.’ Both of these two meanings are considered in the word as it purifies the person his sins and bad traits and it increases the person in his reward and good traits.

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Al Miftahzakah

On the birth of a child, Aqiqah is a ritual which is performed as part of the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw). It involves the sacrifice of an animal and distributing its meat to the poor as a way of celebration and showing gratitude to Allah (swt) for His blessing.

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Al Miftahaqiqah

Qurbani or Udhiya is known in the Arabic language to mean ‘sacrifice.’ In Islamic practise, it is the ritual of sacrificing an animal on the days of Eid for the sake of Allah (swt). Every year, during Eid ul Adha on the 10th - 13th Dhul Hijjah, Muslims will sacrifice an animal on completion of Hajj and to reflect Ibrahim AS’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail AS for the sake of Allah (swt)

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Al Miftahqurbani

Fasting is the fourth pillar of Islam, when fasting in Ramadan, it is honouring that pillar. More importantly, it is done so to gain the pleasure of Allah, to obey what He has commanded us to do.

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Al Miftahramadan